Today we got the spam script working and spammed our new server. Over a 100 MB
connection, it took about 14.5 minutes to send 10,000 messages. During that
time, CPU usage on the mail server shoot up to around 90%. However, even
during the storm, the webmail interface was still responsive. Nevertheless, it
showed that we need anti-spam measures.
In order to get the spam script running, we used another machine, then booted
with Knoppix 6.0.1 and installed sendmail (what the script requires). Knoppix
5.3.1 would not work with sendmail for some reason.
In the next meeting, we need to try to add some polish to our testing mail
server. The current list of items to address is:
1) Anti-spam measures and anti-virus measures. Current plans are to use
Amavis. It will be interesting to see what the load is on the server if we
repeat the spam storm with the measures in place.
2) Implement quotas. We can't have one user fill up the hard drive.
3) Change the squirrelmail url to something better and more standard, such as
4) Install a list manager. Mailman has been suggested.
It is likely it will take more than one meeting to accomplish all this.
Join in in two weeks!
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